Saturday, 7 March 2015

Overcoming Strongholds

Bible Verse

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

When we come to Christ, the army of the Lord invades our life; the battle for territory has begun.  Satan is not willing to give ground to his enemy, the Lord of Hosts; he does not want us to live a successful spiritual life.  Therefore, his goal is to keep as many strongholds standing in our life as he can, allowing him to wage war on our souls.  Remember, Satan goal is to prevent the power of God, from being established in the believer’s life.   He does this through strongholds, if Satan can establish areas of operation in our life; he then will have the ability to attack at will.  He can then keep us from being on the offensive, against his kingdom.
            For this reason, it’s imperative for us to have these Satanic strongholds pulled down.  If we don’t remove strongholds, we invite failure and defeat in our spiritual walk.  Because we are giving Satan a base from which to wage war.  The only way we can assault spiritual strongholds is through the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our life.  Without the heavenly power, in our lives we are at Satan’s mercy.  The Holy Spirit through Paul shows us how to wage war. 

Lord you are our God, you are the almighty and only you can help us break free from the satanic strongholds of life.  Help us to realize that strongholds are anything that takes presedence over you, anything that brings us down anything that has a negative effect on our lives whether now or in the future.  Lord help us to be vigilant in making every effort to remove the strongholds from our lives,  help us to realize that we can only do this by asking you for your help.  So please, in your mercy and your power help us overcome.. Praise you!  In your name amen!

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