“And all that believed were together, and had all things common;”
Acts 2:44 KJV
We all need to be on the same page with our Christian beliefs. Christ was born, He died and rose again to take away our sins. All He requires of us is to love Him and keep His laws! And so, as Christians we should do this so that we may be saved. In order to do effectively, we need to consistently search the scriptures to understand how to love and how to properly keep the law.
Lord,thank you for dying on the cross to save us from our sins. Help us to give up all we have and follow You. Help us to understand Your laws and to love You with all Your heart, but first help us to know what that requires. Teach us Your laws and statutes by guiding us in our scriptural search.
You are our Maker and King and we thank You for Your grace!
In Your Name Amen